Sunday, April 28, 2019

Groyper Goes To The Shady Side Of Frentown For Back-Alley Chicken Tendies

In a back-alley, in the shady side of Frentown, Groyper searched for his chicken tendies dealer. A frown cast upon the toad's face as he looked under garbage pales, under trash cans, and wet newspapers, until finding his dealer fren Fronz the French Ferret.

With fingers interlocked under chin, Groyper passed along the toy train to Fronz with his foot. The ferret smiled, reached into his trench coat and pulled out a pink dildo by mistake. Groyper grimaced and Fronz dropped the dildo while reaching back into his coat to pull out a zip-loc bag of premium tendies.

Groyper grabbed the bag and ran off. He hopped along the trail of the cybernetic cityscape that occupied the shady side of Frentown. He hopped passed Pepbots and NPCs doing their daily reeeee and screams respectively.

This mischievous toad pondered whether it was wrong of him to steal that green-golden toy train from his little cousin Helper. But once he looked down at the tendies in his pocket, his mind quickly reverted to a state of bliss, picturing himself enjoying that fresh pound of sweet, sweet tendies moving past his lips, onto his long pink tongue, and into that starving green belly.

While hopping his way up the pathway to his frenly home, Groyper reached into his pocket and pulled out one uncooked tendies as he could no longer wait to consume his tendie treats. Groyper bit into the cold chicken and smiled.

Groyper slowly crept towards his side door and peered into the window. He entered the house and hopped towards the kitchen where he unraveled tin foil onto the counter, placing each tendie onto the foil in preparation for the oven.

He retreated to the bedroom to change clothes. Any time Groyper used the oven, he always wore his German military uniform. Groyper returned to the kitchen and placed the foil with the tendies into the oven and smiled.

Groyper set the oven to 300 degrees and the timer for fifteen minutes. He waited until the tendies reached a golden-brown. He waited patiently, drooling, watching the tendies cook and sizzle.

The oven buzzed and the toad quickly yanked open its door and pulled out the tendie treats. OWWWWWW! Silly Groyper forgot to put an oven mitten on his foot. He sucked his foot in pain then fell onto the floor to devour the tendies.

Groyper's eyes welled with both pain and pleasure. Despite the burning pain in his foot, the tendies were delicious and totally worth the trouble.

He fell asleep upon the floor, satisfied with the snack. Groyper later awoke two hours later as vomit uncontrollably spewed from his open mouth. He felt terribly, terribly sick.

Groyper spent the next week sick in bed. Helper even paid him a visit to hand-feed him chicken noodle broth to help nurse him back to health.

"Don't worry, fren," said Helper. "I forgive you for stealing my toy train. I know you have a terrible addiction and I still love you no matter what. You'll always be apart of my family and a true fren."

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