Friday, April 26, 2019

Tales From The Honk: Herberta Honkler's Gender Reveal

"Deddy, why, why do you cry? Dry your tears, father fren. Soon my life will be at an end," said Herberta Honkler with blood dripping from the large gaping wound in zir groin.

"Your father and I support your decision 100 percent," said Mummy. "For now, he can not speak. For he is so happy, tears they bound from the round spheres called eyes he has in his head."

"Deddy, Deddy, is this true?" asked Herberta. "Are you a fan of my new gaping wound?"

The pale patriarch winced and blinked and a smile was forced. Before he could talk he let out a cough. He dribbled spit all over Mummy's smock.

"Her-her-her-berta, is tha- that your name now?" asked Deddy. "I am so- so so so happy for you."

"Oh, glorious day, Deddy, glorious day," said Herberta. "Now, I will run outside and play. With all of my frens, play with all of my frens. I will run outside and play with all of my frens."

But the bleeding didn't stop and Herberta was dead.

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