Saturday, April 27, 2019

There's A Honkler In My Mirror - A Poem For Frens & Frens of Frens

There's a Honkler in my mirror that won't go away
He stares never-ending in haunting display
"Fren, fren, come here, fren," he'd often say
With a clown pill in-hand of every rainbow color
"You'll feel like no other, eyes bright with wonder."

After consuming the pill, my pupils widen
Red eyes all watered by the mighty Poseidon
I put on my pink neet hat and retreat to the street
There are Honklers and NPCs roaming free
"Hey frens, take a pill, you won't feel so bad."

But when the effects wore off, pink-head became sad
He felt all the joy he took all returned to sender
Of the terrible times he soon doth remember
All the town children seemed happy, half transgender
And his land invaded, cucked, and mentally-enslaved
"Welcome to Clown World, fren," said a man from his grave

He became fat, ate Twinkie, on drugs riding around
In his system on a scooter because green legs too heavy
Can't walk around and fired for not taking the joy
"I'll be a good, boi. I promise, a real good chunky boi."

There's still a Honkler in my mirror that still won't leave
I scream and reeeeee for the normie to retreat
"Get the fuck off my board, normie, REEEEEEEEEEEE!"

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