Friday, April 26, 2019

Milo Yiannopolous Dresses Up As Anne Frank, Goes On Date With Richard Spencer To Holocaust Museum

Super troll Milo Yiannopolous was seen going on a date with alt-right founder Richard Spencer to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington D.C. all while dressed as Anne Frank. Yiannopolous told media outlets that he was simply "going on a cute 1488 date with a liked-minded individual." Both men have stirred outrage from the press and public as one finds enjoyment by trolling with Nazism while the other one openly wants to create a white ethnostate.
Yiannopolous warned the press and public that he'll be returning to the spotlight this upcoming spring. In the newly-released music video "Silver & Gold" he gives the world a hint as to why he got into so much debt. Now, with millions in the red, expect a whole bunch of attention-seeking stunts to offend the masses.
The former Breitbart writer was busy in his diary so he refused to comment as to why he's dressed up as Anne Frank in a Holocaust museum.
However, Spencer was able to leave a statement, saying "I hate it when people go up in my face talking about how we got to save the white rhino from extinction, what about save the white race from extinction?"
Spencer was then punched out in the museum by a masked assailant who quickly ran out of sight. Yiannopolous let a cry and fell to his knees after seeing his alt-right comrade crumble to the ground.
"Why? What has he ever done to any of you?," asked Milo to the families of Holocaust victims/survivors visiting the museum and looking on in confusion.
Milo then ripped pages out of his diary and blew his nose with it as the crowd gasped. Yiannopolous was escorted from the premises while Spencer awoke in an ambulance. However, the super troll was able to regain access into the museum after "servicing" one of the security guards.
"What a long day," said Yiannopolous. "I'm absolutely gassed."

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