Monday, June 24, 2019

"Save The Bees, Frens" - Recovered From the Reddit Frenocide of 2019

"Save The Bees, Frens" is just one meme that survived the Reddit Frenocide of 2019. Frenophobia is seen as the primary catalyst to why /frenworld was removed, considering bopping isn't kosher but smashing is fashionable.

After over 60k frens were ethnically cleansed by Reddit, the surviving frens are left with one two-worded motto: Never Again.

From the ashes, we've recovered some memes. Many memes have been destroyed, but the ones that were saved I'll put on display at Groyper's Gathering.

In the photo, Apu Apustaja also known as Helper, wears a bee keeper outfit and cries while looking at the bees. There are only 16 bees in the photo. Perhaps, there should be more and Apu is sad noticing his dwindling hive. Or possibly, he could be reflecting upon bubblebees becoming endangered. He also probably knows that the human species and many other species are reliant on bees for their survival, so we must "save the bees, frens" or a terrible fate will fall upon us all.

In 2016, seven species of bees were added to the endangered species list. Just this year, North American bubblebees were added to the list of endangered species. Bees are beautiful majestic little creatures whose pollination is responsible for one third of the global flood supply. Without these wonderful insects, life on Earth would be forever altered and many will die including humans, both frens and nonfrens.

Either way, bees are incredibly important frens and must be preserved for the survival of many different species of plants and animals. Humans wouldn't be able to survive without these wonderful little frens.


Now, why would Reddit want to destroy this message?  And was it worth it?

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