Wednesday, June 26, 2019

AOC Can't Stand To See A Little Fren Locked In A Cage (Aftermath of the Reddit Frenocide)

It's okay, AOC, don't cry.  That little fren has been rescued from the clutches of Reddit.  The frenocide of June 20, 2019, took the memes of over 60 thousand frens.  Some memes survived but were detained by unfrenly actors like Will Sommer and Billy Johnson.

Dry your milky eyes, AOC.  Maybe one day we will share tendies in peace.  Maybe there will come a day when frens and nonfrens are able to coexist peacefully in a free society.

Now, dance!  Dance, I say!  Dance!

[Editor's Note]: If you have any memes of frens that were removed by Reddit during the Frenocide of 2019, please send an e-mail with as many fren memes you have to

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