Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Pirate Apu Says, "Arrggg, Will Any Of You Lilylivered Landlubbers Tell Me Where's My Frens" - Recovered from the Reddit Frenocide of 2019

With /frenworld banned, many of that subreddit's magic memes may be lost forever into the dust-bin of history. Presently, media writers with an unfrenly agenda like Will Sommer of The Daily Beast and Billy Johnson of timesofisrael.com have cherry-picked handfuls of memes and used that as a bludgeon to misrepresent over 60k cozy frens as racists and anti-Semites. These unfrenly actors are blaming the many for the shitposting of the few. They're trying to soil the group identity of frens and all frens, even those of them just posting cute, cozy memes without frog whistles attached.

One meme that was recovered from the /frenworld incident is the one depicted above. It is of the lovable Apu Apustaja wearing a pirate outfit. He is sailing the sea, searching for his frens.

If you have any memes of frens that were deleted during the Reddit Frenocide, please send an e-mail to greenknightwowie@gmail.com

Stay strong, frens. We'll make it through this together.

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