Thursday, October 19, 2023

Canada launches homosexual war against Iceland, preparing to sacrifice thousands of lives to get BILLIONS in $US AIDS


Canada's faggot prime minister Justin Trudeau has used the Cuban nostrils given to him by father Fidel Castro and has sniffed out a great way for both Canada and Iceland to get a bunch of free money. Start a war, preferably one that is both fake and gay akin to the Ukraine-Russian situation.

For instance, Castro looks at the Israel-Palestine situation. Yes, people of each nation hate each other. Yes, thousands have died and thousands more will die. However, it's worth noting that, as a result of the 2023 war, Israel will get billions of additional aid from the U.S. while the Philistines are set to get millions upon millions in aid themselves from foreign entities.

The Jew boss himself (Benjamin Netanyahu) sniffed out all the money (over a hundred billion USD) being funneled to Ukraine in their futile effort against the might of Mother Russia. So naturally his Hebrew instincts came into play. Whose to say he didn't concoct the scheme with Hamas in order to further enrich the top of the food chain of both nations? Sure, many people will be killed, but it won't be them, and they'll be filthy stinkin' rich (relatively speaking) when all the smoke is clear!

Trudeau's nose has sniffed out this obvious Jewish-Arab trickery. Now his country and Iceland will put on a show for the rest of the world - so that the Ukrainians, Jews, and Palestinian authority don't get all the war bucks from the United States, a country that uses its citizens as tax cattle to feed various different industrial complexes all run by a group of people we aren't allowed to know or speak about.

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Anne Frank was actually both BLACK & TRANSGENDER - WW2 happened in AFRICA, NOT EUROPE


Given the reality of the situation, we've not been fed the pure facts when it comes to Anne Frank and what happened on the European Front of World War 2. First off, WW2 didn't take place in Europe, it happened in Africa. Anne Frank also wasn't the little White bitch you've heard about in text books and documentaries. Yes, Frank was Jewish, but what Amerikkka's warped version of "history" fails to point out is that Anne was a transgender Black female.

There is ample evidence to prove that there were no gas chambers in Europe. But there were many gas chambers in Africa set up by Nazis and their collaborators to kill Black People.

You see, American academia and Western society as a whole have themselves been fed a lie. That is Anne Frank was a White bitch who suffered from oppression - something that has been proven false time and time again. The truth is that their skin color was dark brown and that they had transitioned their gender while hiding from the Nazi scourge in AFRICA and not in Europe.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Let's See If You Can Figure Out What This All Means

Bagel American

Basketball American

Spaghetti American

Taco American

7/11 American

9/11 American

Give up? The answers are as follows, Bagel American = (((you know who))), Basketball Americans = the blacks, Spaghetti Americans = our Italian frens like Apu Paulie. Taco Americans = Mexicans, illegal aliens, shouldn't be here, you gotta go back. 7/11 Americans = Pajeet and his Indian pals. Red dot Indian. Street shidders. 9/11 Americans = Muslims and (((you know who))), i.e. Google "Dancing Israelis"

Friday, February 5, 2021

Condescending Prick Knows Best For The Working Man


"Scabs aren't welcome!" bellowed a blue-collared man alongside his picketing comrades. "Make scabs feel unwelcome!"

Out comes the condescending prick sipping on organic soy milk. "Ummmmm, excuse me, but you are blaming your fellow worker when you should be blaming the factory owner and the capitalist system in itself, you idiot!"

"Idiot?" said the blue-collared man. "I don't know who you're talking to. I'm blaming both the employer and the scab, I was just focusing my attention on the scab for a minute. They're like a mechanism by employers to make sure our demands aren't met. By you sticking up for the scab, you're protecting the tool greedy bosses use to undermine the will of the working man."

"Shut up, be a communist like me already," said the condescender. "I know more about being a working man than you do, I read Marx."

30 years later, the condescender returned. This time it wasn't to ramble-rouse workers on strike, it was "damn dirty reactionary bigoted Nazi Trump voters upset about undocumented immigrants. It's the capitalists taking yer jerbs, you ignorant plebs, not the brown people! OMG, racist!"

 Now, the progressive commie must protect the mechanism largely seen by commoners as antagonistic to the working man in the shitlib's land once again. Despite being a much older douche, his spirit is still as strong and vibrant as ever.

"Yay, open borders!" shouted the commie. "For the international working class to unite as one! Woooooo!!!!"

Thursday, February 4, 2021

AOC Launches OnlyFans Account To Raise Awareness Against Climate Change & White Supremacy


During troubled times of white men dominating and the climate changing, yada, yada, yada, AOC has decided to launch an OnlyFans account to combat what she claims to be serious issues.

"Ummm, yeah," said AOC. "It's important to raise awareness against white supremacy and climate change, and if I have to show my butt-hole to do so, so be it!"

AOC, again, is a brave woman of color in Joe Biden's America full of sniffing and groyping females of all hues and ages. We commend AOC for her bravery and melons.

Right-wing commentator Ben Shapiro is reportedly AOC's first subscriber. AOC posted a screencap of Shapiro's direct messages to her OnlyFans account.

"Sup?" wrote Shapiro.

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Mad World - Ultra Rare Uncle A Verse

All around me are inferior races

The German people need wider spaces

Jews are up early to agitate the races

Against the white man, against the white man

The ovens are filling up with ashes

your obsession, your obsession

Heinrich wants to impound their sorrow

No tomorrow, no tomorrow

Monday, August 12, 2019

Hitler Had Multiple Gamer Moments: A New Report Reveals The Gamer Adolf

Did you know Adolf Hitler was the original gamer? Yes, new research coming out of Berlin shows that the leader of the Third Reich reportedly was big on video games.

Nazi scientists are said to have created a device similar to Atari's Pong, which was reportedly very popular among Hitler and other Nazis.

"Adolf Hitler was an avid gamer," said Freudman Strauss, head of the institute of general knowledge in Berlin. "Generals would spend hours trying to get him away from his game so that he can prepare for speeches. The real reason he looked so frantic onstage wasn't just because this guy was shooting speed. He was feening for more gaming."

Hitler would reportedly spend days locked inside dark rooms, playing video games. Sometimes he would play his game with generals, soldiers, civilians, and even prisoners. Anyone who played against him was forced to lose at gunpoint.

"One thing's for sure," said Strauss. "Hitler had multiple gamer moments before and during World War II. He had the ultimate high score that lasts to this day."

Many historians now claim that Hitler's suicide was the first "rage quit" in gamer history.  However, some claim that he is still alive as an active gamer and Twitch streamer in Argentina.

In other news, the brilliant minds from Vox and Buzzfeed teamed up with Groyper's Garden to figure a way to associate internet darling PewDiePie with Hitler and Nazism. Our tireless and vapid research showed that the very first YouTuber to subscribe to PewDiePie's channel was an account named AdolfShitler.

(Disclaimer): The contents of this blog post are entirely satirical and fictional.