Saturday, March 18, 2023

Anne Frank was actually both BLACK & TRANSGENDER - WW2 happened in AFRICA, NOT EUROPE


Given the reality of the situation, we've not been fed the pure facts when it comes to Anne Frank and what happened on the European Front of World War 2. First off, WW2 didn't take place in Europe, it happened in Africa. Anne Frank also wasn't the little White bitch you've heard about in text books and documentaries. Yes, Frank was Jewish, but what Amerikkka's warped version of "history" fails to point out is that Anne was a transgender Black female.

There is ample evidence to prove that there were no gas chambers in Europe. But there were many gas chambers in Africa set up by Nazis and their collaborators to kill Black People.

You see, American academia and Western society as a whole have themselves been fed a lie. That is Anne Frank was a White bitch who suffered from oppression - something that has been proven false time and time again. The truth is that their skin color was dark brown and that they had transitioned their gender while hiding from the Nazi scourge in AFRICA and not in Europe.

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