Friday, May 17, 2019

Groyper Gassed My Family

Groyper gassed my family, I should have seen the act
When he came upon my porch, smiling, tendies in his sack
"A whole bag of tendies for you if you let me in"
"Come on in, good Groyper," I said. "How long has it been?"
The grinning toad stepped inside, fingers interlocked under chin
With fire in his coal black eyes, lips chapped in a permagrin

I should have seen the devious act right when he came
But he smiled at my wife and children all the same
They were happy to see the cheerful toad once again
Groyper volunteered to make a snack for us all
He approached the oven in the kitchen down the hall

Stepping outside for a minute for fresh air
I returned to the home with a frightful scare
Toxic gas permeated the house, smell so foul
There was Groyper in a gas mask hiding a scowl
A mother and her children now both deceased
By Groyper the Toad, the fascist priest

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