Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Let's See If You Can Figure Out What This All Means

Bagel American

Basketball American

Spaghetti American

Taco American

7/11 American

9/11 American

Give up? The answers are as follows, Bagel American = (((you know who))), Basketball Americans = the blacks, Spaghetti Americans = our Italian frens like Apu Paulie. Taco Americans = Mexicans, illegal aliens, shouldn't be here, you gotta go back. 7/11 Americans = Pajeet and his Indian pals. Red dot Indian. Street shidders. 9/11 Americans = Muslims and (((you know who))), i.e. Google "Dancing Israelis"

Friday, February 5, 2021

Condescending Prick Knows Best For The Working Man


"Scabs aren't welcome!" bellowed a blue-collared man alongside his picketing comrades. "Make scabs feel unwelcome!"

Out comes the condescending prick sipping on organic soy milk. "Ummmmm, excuse me, but you are blaming your fellow worker when you should be blaming the factory owner and the capitalist system in itself, you idiot!"

"Idiot?" said the blue-collared man. "I don't know who you're talking to. I'm blaming both the employer and the scab, I was just focusing my attention on the scab for a minute. They're like a mechanism by employers to make sure our demands aren't met. By you sticking up for the scab, you're protecting the tool greedy bosses use to undermine the will of the working man."

"Shut up, be a communist like me already," said the condescender. "I know more about being a working man than you do, I read Marx."

30 years later, the condescender returned. This time it wasn't to ramble-rouse workers on strike, it was "damn dirty reactionary bigoted Nazi Trump voters upset about undocumented immigrants. It's the capitalists taking yer jerbs, you ignorant plebs, not the brown people! OMG, racist!"

 Now, the progressive commie must protect the mechanism largely seen by commoners as antagonistic to the working man in the shitlib's land once again. Despite being a much older douche, his spirit is still as strong and vibrant as ever.

"Yay, open borders!" shouted the commie. "For the international working class to unite as one! Woooooo!!!!"

Thursday, February 4, 2021

AOC Launches OnlyFans Account To Raise Awareness Against Climate Change & White Supremacy


During troubled times of white men dominating and the climate changing, yada, yada, yada, AOC has decided to launch an OnlyFans account to combat what she claims to be serious issues.

"Ummm, yeah," said AOC. "It's important to raise awareness against white supremacy and climate change, and if I have to show my butt-hole to do so, so be it!"

AOC, again, is a brave woman of color in Joe Biden's America full of sniffing and groyping females of all hues and ages. We commend AOC for her bravery and melons.

Right-wing commentator Ben Shapiro is reportedly AOC's first subscriber. AOC posted a screencap of Shapiro's direct messages to her OnlyFans account.

"Sup?" wrote Shapiro.