Thursday, October 19, 2023

Canada launches homosexual war against Iceland, preparing to sacrifice thousands of lives to get BILLIONS in $US AIDS


Canada's faggot prime minister Justin Trudeau has used the Cuban nostrils given to him by father Fidel Castro and has sniffed out a great way for both Canada and Iceland to get a bunch of free money. Start a war, preferably one that is both fake and gay akin to the Ukraine-Russian situation.

For instance, Castro looks at the Israel-Palestine situation. Yes, people of each nation hate each other. Yes, thousands have died and thousands more will die. However, it's worth noting that, as a result of the 2023 war, Israel will get billions of additional aid from the U.S. while the Philistines are set to get millions upon millions in aid themselves from foreign entities.

The Jew boss himself (Benjamin Netanyahu) sniffed out all the money (over a hundred billion USD) being funneled to Ukraine in their futile effort against the might of Mother Russia. So naturally his Hebrew instincts came into play. Whose to say he didn't concoct the scheme with Hamas in order to further enrich the top of the food chain of both nations? Sure, many people will be killed, but it won't be them, and they'll be filthy stinkin' rich (relatively speaking) when all the smoke is clear!

Trudeau's nose has sniffed out this obvious Jewish-Arab trickery. Now his country and Iceland will put on a show for the rest of the world - so that the Ukrainians, Jews, and Palestinian authority don't get all the war bucks from the United States, a country that uses its citizens as tax cattle to feed various different industrial complexes all run by a group of people we aren't allowed to know or speak about.